All About Attaining & Absorbing Clients for Small Businesses & Non-Profits Through Publicity & Social Media Strategies.

      Think of social networking as a huge party and you were invited by a “friend”, or you are possibly hosting the party yourself.  If you plan on hosting you will need to have guests or if you were invited to a party; as a guest you would expect activities, games etc.  Your guests cannot have anything to do; so while they are there encourage conversation.  I am sure there are a lot of people you don’t know; be brave; be bold say Hello!  Introduce yourself.  People will not know you are there if you don’t make your presence known.  Being a Wallflower does nothing for your repuation nor will it be effective for growing your business.

Social networking is exactly that!  NETWORKING!  There are billions of voices speaking everyday, every hour on the minute about EVERYTHING in cyber space.  Your voice won’t be heard if you aren’t saying anything.  Sure it’s noisey and you may have doubts about people caring about what it is you have to say but the point is to get out there are stick your chest out and SAY IT!  The more you do this…..people will eventually notice you.  It will take time but that is ok.  You have a strategy, a plan now you have to work it.  Work the “Room”.

Comment on other people’s pages/organizations pages (including APRFirm) that have relevancy to your company and your topics of interest.

Be yourself on other’s pages.  Build the RELATIONship.  Social Networking isn’t suppose to be all business all the time.  Share your opinions, talk about the weather, current trends.  Your company needs to have a personality to be noticed amongst ALL that is going on in cyber space.

In the midst of the conversating; you have to join in!

You can not have a success party (business) being a wallflower!

Become the life of the party!


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